
Below you can find a selection of open-source projects that I worked on.

If you'd like to have a look at a few less polished experiments, such as a beeswarm plot made of Lego bricks, feel free to explore my GitHub Profile.

preview of The Shape of Change

The Shape of Change

2nd Place (Interactive), World Data Visualization Prize 2023

Rita Costa
Can we estimate how much the world has changed in a decade? Or do our own experiences impact the perception of progress? This work challenges the assumptions we make about how key statistical indicators regarding Health, the Environment, or Education evolve through the years.
preview of Flags of Inequality

Flags of Inequality

Winner, The Pudding Cup 2022

Rita Costa
If countries had equal rights for their LGBTQ+ citizens this visualization would not exist. We make use of the rainbow flag to portray to what extent different dimensions of queer life are disregarded by state regulations.
preview of Feedzai's Altair Theme

Feedzai's Altair Theme

João Palmeiro
Feedzai's theme for Python's Altair charts. Research on chart types and color palettes following the Feedzai product design system. The theme complemented a Data Visualization system for the company.
preview of Electoral Neighbors

Electoral Neighbors

What portuguese neighborhoods are more alike in the way they vote? Using data from the 2021, this visualization uses circles, representing the neighborhoods, that are positioned closer together if their voting distribution is similar.
preview of Portuguese Local Elections

Portuguese Local Elections

In local elections, the local governments of the 308 municipalities of Portugal are up for votes. Often, the larger parties get together in coalitions in an attempt win local presidency. With who do each of the main parties form alliances? How many of the votes from each party come from these coalitions?
preview of Brushable Histogram

Brushable Histogram

Victor Fernandes, Luís Cardoso
A linked view composition of time histogram featuring automatic adjustable binning and a brushable strip plot preview of the full dataset below it.