About me
Hi there 👋
I'm Beatriz, a data visualization engineer with a passion for making complex data accessible and understandable to the wider public. I have worked across product and research teams, and in boutique consultancy for information visualization.
Currently, I'm part of the team at Diagonal Works where I lead our frontend and data visualization engineering efforts for building responsible technology to improve urban life.
Palmeiro, J., Malveiro, B., Costa, R., Polido, D., Moreira, R., Bizarro, P.
Data+Shift: Supporting visual investigation of data distribution shifts by data scientistsAccepted at EuroVis 2022
Costa, R., Malveiro, B., Palmeiro, J., Bizarro, P.
A case study on implementing screen reader accessibility in dynamic visualizationsAccepted at EuroVis 2022
Fontes, X., Aparício, D., Silva, M., Malveiro, B., Ascensão, J. and Bizarro, P.
Finding NeMo: Fishing in banking networks using network motifsAccepted at SEAData @ VLDB 2021
Silva, M.I., Aparício, D., Malveiro, B., Ascensão, J.T., and Bizarro, P.
GUDIE: A flexible, user-defined method to extract subgraphs of interest from large graphsAccepted at GEM @ ECML-PKDD 2021